Monday, October 25, 2010

Blackberries, Fallout, and Non-Parties

Been quite busy since the last time I posted; wound up moving to a new office building, got myself a Blackberry Storm, tried to get a Halloween party off the ground, and played a lot of Fallout: New Vegas.  They didn't necessarily happen in that order, since I'm pretty sure that if I ever did get both a new game and a new tech toy on the same day, I would probably died from the overload of Nerdy awesomeness.

To start things off, my Blackberry is one of the brand new Storm 2 touch screen smartphones.  Now, I've sworn for years that the cellphone is the work of at least one of Hell's denizens.  The smartphone is definitely the work of a greater demon.  Yes, it's awesome to play around with, and the interface is awesome.  But it's a goddamn smartphone.  This means that I have yet one more tether to my work life.  Oh well, c'est la vie.  I actually have one thing going for me, and that is having work pay for my data plan.  It works for me.

I could very easily launch into an incredibly long diatribe about smartphones and how I hate cellphones, smartphones, and telephones as a matter of principle, but, honestly, I spend too much of my life and energy being upset over somethings that, I will distill the essence of my argument down to a convenient paraphrased quote.  "I cannot allow [them] to sap and impurify [my] precious bodily fluids!"

Besides, I had more important considerations.  Like a brand-new video game that is almost as addictive as its immediate predecessor, but not quite.  This game, in turn, made it somewhat difficult to get the party I wanted to throw on Saturday off the ground, but I managed to pull through fine.  The party fell through, in the end, so I wound up watching Red Dragon, From Hell, and Aliens back-to-back.  It wasn't too bad.  Some of my roommate's buddies were over, so while not a full "party" in the sense of the word, it was still fun.

I bought way too much candy for the occasion, though, thinking that there were going to be a lot more people.  I bought about 9.5 pounds of candy!  So, I'm just bringing a lot of it into work to share.

Speaking of, the new office space is really impressive.  The hardest part of the entire move was two days of moving computers and cleaning out the rest of my desk at the old office.  All the while having to answer the telephones.  What made it especially awesome was a small mistake in the phone system routing we have at work so the phone calls between sites were down for half the day.  It was wonderful.  I got into work around 8am and didn't get a chance to leave until 6:45.  It was awesome!  I then went home and proceeded to gripe about it, basically eating too much and going on a rampage in Halo: Reach.

Long, rambling post aside, it's been a busy two weeks.  Here's to hoping that the next few weeks are a little less hectic.

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