Friday, September 9, 2011

Saddlemen Seat and Install

So, my Saddlemen Profiler seat arrived yesterday.  Of course, I was at work at the time, so I was unable to install it immediately.  That said, as soon as I got home, I pretty much ripped the box open to get at the seat.

It was surprisingly light.  I figured it would be a little bit heavier, but, then again, the shipping weight was only 10 pounds.  Out of the box, it was rather a bit smaller than I figured it would be, too.  Still, it looks really cool.

I then proceeded, in much the way a crazed man pursues the voices in his head (which I tend to do anyway, but that's a different story), I went outside and began the incredibly quick job of removing the old seat and installing the new one.  It was all of ten minutes work.  I had to remove the old seat, the old pillion seat, and the "tool box" that was under the seat (truly, a laughable tool box indeed).

Installing the new seat merely required hooking the front end in place, then reinserting the screw on the back of the bike to hold the pillion portion down.  Here it is, freshly installed:

And, of course, I had to take the bike for a test ride.  It wasn't too long, only about ten minutes or so, but it did seem to make a difference, particularly on the amount of jarring I felt when going over rough roads (bumps, however, are still a bitch, but any seat would be unable to cope with those).  That said, I think this saddle will take some getting used to, as it is shaped differently and seems a little narrower.  All things considered, however, I think it will work out nicely.

Here it is, post-ride:

I must admit, I do like the look of this saddle better than the original.

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