Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Oh man, the things I've done and seen

First off, it's good to be back.  After taking a hiatus over the winter (because, really, what would I have truly written about?  Being mopey, that's what.  And nobody wants to read that) I'm back and with high hopes for the coming spring and summer.  Indeed, the spring is shaping up to be completely awesome.  First and foremost, it's March and we're already experiencing 70 degree temperatures.  Arguably, for someone like me, that's a bit of a two-edged sword, as I hate sweating like Munchkins hate the Wicked Witch, but it also affords ample riding opportunities; and that's always a good thing.

I also want this to act as a formal introduction, of sorts.  I picked up my new bike two weeks ago and she is an absolute dream to ride.  She handles the highway (and rain) like a champ.  And she's a lot more comfortable on long rides than the Marauder ever was.  I've named her Ad Meliora (I generally just refer to her as Meliora); Latin for "Towards better things."  Works for me, at least.

Here she is (in a suitably picturesque location near the Wachusett reservoir):

Why Wachusett?  Well, it was the first ride of any decent length that I went on when I got my first bike.  It was a long ride back then, and it was nerve wracking the first time I did it.  Now it seems almost old-hat, but it still has a personal significance for me as the first "real" ride I went on.

I know I mentioned this before, but since purchasing the new bike, I've had a chance to read up on and learn a lot of things about it.  First, it's a 2005 Yamaha Road Star Midnight XV1700AMTC.  It has a 1690cc engine (1700cc), hydraulic front and rear brakes, and (most important) has rearview mirrors I can actually use!  Let me tell you, I like the drag bar look (that my Marauder had), but when all you see when you look in the mirrors is your own shoulders, it's a bit of a pain in the ass.

However, the longest trip so far was my ride down to my sister's place in Danbury, CT.  Unlike my first ride down there, this time I took the highway (I-90 to I-84).  The trip down was lightly drizzling for most of it.  I did hit rain in Hartford, but after that it stopped and things dried up quite a bit.  Even in the rain, I had no real problems.  I have, however, learned of the great hatred for 18-wheelers.  Oh, but I do hate being stuck behind them.  (They basically force you into doing your best bobblehead impersonation.  It sucks.)

Anyway, this summer looks like it going to be one hell of good time.  Here's to hoping it stays nice and dry!

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